Exclusive Services

Initial Consultation
Engage in a highly collaborative space to address your challenges, needs, and goals. Identify and discover the strategic planning and tools available to transform, overcome, and achieve. Here we discuss the unique personal challenges in your integrative process. Consultation develops the necessary rapport for opportunities and will determine the direction for accelerated collaboration, healing, growth and personal alignment integration.​​​

Exclusive Consultation
Receive highly individualized, one-on-one personal sessions with Chelsea (session duration is dependent on needs and the individualized tools utilized).​Overcome programming and patterns which have induced suffering. Realize personal freedom and empowerment to rise above challenges.
Tap into the higher purpose residing within and live in accordance with this authenticity.
Integrate Self-knowledge and personal Self-Realization Enlightenment. Master thought, emotion and manifested reality, aligned with your divine blueprint of sovereignty and freedom.​​
​​​Activate expanded consciousness capacity.

Remote BioEnergetics
Identify underlying causes for mental, emotional and physical discomfort.
Receive a remote Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.) session with a follow up from Chelsea. Experience relief and holistic healing progress through B.E.S.T., a non-forceful, energy balancing procedure used to help reestablish the full healing potential of the body. Balancing body, mind, memory, and spirit energy fields, and enhance the flow of energy throughout the entire system, a whole-body healing technique.